Hey, J Crew. Apparently no one in your organization is brave enough to say this, but I’m feeling honest, so here goes: THIS LOOKS STUPID.
Yeah, I bought it. What’s your point?
I’m usually pretty good at spotting ridiculous things — in fact, I delight in it — but some reason, when I first came across the TaTa Towel, my first thought was: “I need that!” Perhaps I imagined it would be supportive, or at least presentable outside the confines of my bathroom, but let me tell you, it is neither of those things. Not even close.

For maximum discretion and subtlety, I selected the “magenta/heather gray” color combo, because, hey, it’s reversible! Why, one might ask, is this thing reversible? Am I going to wear it day after day without washing it? Am I going to trick dinner guests into thinking it’s a different TaTa Towel than the one I was wearing last Saturday?
Even my husband, who generally is fond of me and has never complained about seeing me in undergarments, was like, “Um, honey, please don’t wear that.”